Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Tformers written reviews

I have a lot of these. I started writing them July 2010 when I was asked to take over as comic reviewer at tformers. I really like doing these reviews. And apparently a ton of people read them. So that makes me smile too.

Anyhow... this is my archive of them:

My "Wrecking" Grounds:

Obviously keeping up this blog has been a bit hard for me because it's been several months and I've said nothing on here. Since that time moonbase2.org has drifted over to fullmetalhero.com and the site is so amazing I find that it's much easier to just post blog posts over there.

So... I'm linking to it and if you want to follow you are welcome to. I just have hooks and roots everywhere online. What can I say?

Yes... I will be attending Botcon 2011. So excited to meet fans and people I talk with on podcasts all the time. (Or just skype in general.)

If you plan to go cool! If you want to meet me... look for the girl with "ladywreck" on her shirt or go to the tformers table and ask for me... I'm sure to be around. And honestly don't be offended if I don't recognize you, I talk to SOO many people I know I'm gonna forget names and who's who... it happens man. It really does. But believe me I won't bite and I'm a friendly person so don't be afraid to say hi to me.