Today I got in on another podcast review of Last Stand of the Wreckers #5 over at Autobot City Podcast. It's fun, go listen! (I'll provide the link when they post it.) I've been a guest reviewer there just a few times. I was recently asked to step in and review with Phil while Mikey, the co-host of the Comics Corner, takes a short break to finish up his university studies.
I guess it's official. I'm a podcaster. Regularly now. A new status. Ladywreck: podcasting guest. YAY! I will do gigs if asked. *GRIN* I'll be sticking with Moonbase2, don't worry... just hanging out on the Comics Corner at Autobot City Podcast too.
I never intended this when I volunteered to review comics on the Moonbase2 forum back in March. I just never thought I'd have the guts to do something like this. I've been listening to podcasts for the last year and I've even thought of putting together a writing one of my own, but I've not really had the motivation to do it. Besides the fact that I don't have any recording equipment. It almost seems easier when someone else is doing all the set up for it and you get to come on as a guest, letting someone else host. But at this point, who knows, maybe this time next year I'll start my own? (I can not fathom that right now but who knows what the future will bring.)
Who knew. I volunteered to review Transformer comics... I mean why not, I like to write and read stories? Especially about Transformers. I'm buying them anyhow why not write up a review and put it out there? OH... cool, I get to review for a forum... WOW!
Really? You want me on the podcast now? *knocking knees, sweaty palms* Uhhhh, okay... I'm up for trying something REALLY new. I need to learn to talk to people and express my opinion. Hopefully without sounding like a complete idiot. Are you SURE you want ME on the podcast? And that's the story folks on how I happened to pop onto podcasting.
I didn't beg and I wasn't coerced... I was just in the right place, at the right time. Curiosity mostly. And in regular me fashion, I'm always up for something I've never tried before. Yes, I'm scared as hell. But I usually don't let that keep me from trying out something that I may like in the end. (And I'm beginning to really like this.) It's sort of become a principle thing for me, if I'm scared of it, I have to try and face that because I'm determined to be a fearless person. (Something I learned in my early adult years...) Which prior to 2010 has taken a back seat as of late, but there's always room for ch-ch-changes.
Besides all of the regular benefits of learning to talk to people or expressing ideas while being recorded, that's priceless. I mean, if I want to really write books and publish them someday, I've got to be able to do some sort of PR thing so I can promote my work right? Better to start now and get the experience than to wait, find myself with the deer in the headlights look at the beginning of the career I most want, fall flat on my face, and not recover. I'll take this any day. Nothing says I still won't do that, but at least with experience I can learn early on that you will almost always fall down, but picking yourself back up is a requirement to the job. (Which I'm already learning as I posted a review two days before I was supposed to earlier this week, doh!)
Besides, the gentlemen I'm podcasting with are a great bunch of human beings. I'm honored to be rubbing shoulders with fans who know a heck of a lot more about Transformers than I do. And they are cool with a noob like me. (I hope it isn't just because I'm a woman. There are Transformer girls out there!)
Come on ladies... !