Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Last Stand Of The Wreckers #5 Reviews:

Here is the link to the Review I wrote:

I have to say that I've never had so many people PM me about a comic before. Worried that their favorite characters where killed in this final issue. Just goes to show that the conflict and the threat of death was pretty high in this story line. Much to the credit of the great storytellers writing it. You guys rocked the worlds of all the readers. Good JOB!

Also I've noticed now that I've had about 48 hours of Wreckers... a depression is setting in among those of us who now realize that we won't be getting any more and that next month the #6 issue won't be arriving. I think we are going to need therapy. And IDW needs to pay the bill. But don't worry I'm sure we'll have a support group appear somewhere on the Moonbase2 or IDW forum boards in the near future.

Maybe Wreckers needs a warning label on it.

WARNING! Reading this comic will cause the following side effects:
Extreme happiness, aggressive tendencies, loud laughter, extreme compulsion to buy plastic toys, fear, obsession with said comic/toys/creators of the comics, acting out of the said scenes of the comic, possible costume obsession of characters of the comic, angst at the deaths of characters in the comic, rage, sadness, online obsession with forums, depression, moodiness, fits of crying when the word Wreckers is mentioned, mumbling during sleep or waking times, threatening for strange unexplained reasons, and many more undocumented side effects.
These effects can last for several weeks during the reading of said comics and upon completion can last for several weeks following. Please seek out medical attention if any of these side effects lasts for longer than is reasonably endurable. Online support groups are available.

Yes... this is a comic and it can cause problems in your life.

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