In other news...
I got xbox this last week. Yes... yes, I did. Now I know what you are going to say... how is it that you aren't coming to AA but you can afford an xbox? Okay, there is a big difference between $200 USD and $1,000 USD. I worked it out with my husband.
I've been researching and asking close friends about xbox for the last two months in anticipation of War For Cybertron coming out. (Like how does it work, what should I get...?) I've been really excited about this game and seeing the full uncut version made for the xbox. And I wanted to play the darn thing. Not just the version on the Wii. Cause yeah, I've had a Wii for the last year.
So I've been searching online and trying to figure out what would be reasonable for me and my family budget. And I found a great deal so... I got one. For less that $200 and I rented both the Wii and Xbox versions. And it's nice.
It's actually really really nice. I'm gonna buy the xbox version, probably next month. I'll review them both once I get further into the games. But yeah. Hands down. Xbox WFC game, excellent, total win.
If you want to join me on xbox, shoot me an email. Or a PM on one of the forums I frequent. Not gonna put my gametag out there for anyone and everyone to add me. But yeah, I'd love to play with anyone of my TF fellow fans.
And on that note... I'm selling cards, so I can raise money for a possible trip to Auto Assembly either this year, next year, or both. It's not that I'm in the dog house with finances, at least not in a way that is scary in our economy right now. It's just I live in the USA and a airplane trip to the UK isn't cheap. I just can't justify spending that much money for myself, when I've got a family that won't be enjoying it too. The xbox everyone can play and enjoy and it's in my price range. So if you'd like to help send me to AA, feel free to buy a card. And I'll be continuing to sell cards afterwards to help fund my hobby, so you probably can get anything for anytime of the year. Some are Transformer themed and the rest are not. Cause yeah, there is so much I'd like to get, it'd be nice if I could provide a service that could fund what I'd like to get in the future.
Lastly, I got two books this last week. IDW Collection Volume 1 and Transformers Exodus. The Collection is awesome. Get it if you don't have a collection of trades already of the IDW Transformers comics. It's a beautiful collection. Can't wait for the next volume to come out this fall. Exodus, not bad, but not perfect. I'm halfway through the book and I'm reviewing it soon.