Sunday, December 19, 2010

Auto Assembly 2010 Remembered

This post is terribly terribly late... I said before in a previous post I wasn't sure if I was going to go Auto Assembly (AA2010) in Birmingham England in August 2010. Turns out I was able to go afterward. (No I didn't sell enough cards, but everything worked out in the end... we just didn't buy that lovely computer I've been chomping at the bit to buy...) But I did it... I went and had the TIME OF MY LIFE!!

As you can see by the picture in this post... the Underbase was able to interview some of our favorite people at Auto Assembly! James Roberts and Nick Roche! Wonderful creators and wonderful human beings!! We also interviewed Simon Furman, most likely the father of Transformers because he's written so much of it. (Wonderful interview, I might add!) And I interviewed Colorist Liam Shalloo! (Which still hasn't been posted yet...)

And lets not forget to mention ALL THE PEOPLE and FANS that I met who I'd never met before. So many people I'll never be able to list them all but yet will never forget how awesome it was to meet them in person. All of my Moonbase2 contacts, including founders Dave Wallace and Andy Millman... some of my IDW peeps, one of which is the elusive HdE... all friends who I will be in contact with for years to come!

Course one picture hardly explains what it was like to be at Auto Assembly. There were contests, voice actors, karaoke, cake, late nights, and great singers! There were toys and artists, comics, auctions, performances, special guests, and birthday wishes! (Yeah, I had my birthday there so it was AWESOME!) There was even a little fire alarm interruption to the convention as well, but it all worked out! I just got a well rounded flavor of everything the convention had to offer and hopefully next year I'll be doing more!

The thing is, I had such a good time that I'm sure I'll be coming back again in the future if I can! The England fans are the best around. Course I say this and I've not gotten the chance to visit Botcon yet, so I will be doing that 2011! So if you'll be there... be on the lookout for me! I have a whole list of people who I just have to meet in the US Con so... yeah, making an appearance this coming new year!

And if you are going to be at AA2011... I may just be there as well. Be on the lookout... or check out this blog and see if I'm on my way there?

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Yeah, I'm there...

Yes, I'm on youtube. No promises that I'll be posting videos soon or anything. Especially since I need to figure out how to record, edit, and post them. But I'm on there. Just putting it out there.

In other news...
I got xbox this last week. Yes... yes, I did. Now I know what you are going to say... how is it that you aren't coming to AA but you can afford an xbox? Okay, there is a big difference between $200 USD and $1,000 USD. I worked it out with my husband.

I've been researching and asking close friends about xbox for the last two months in anticipation of War For Cybertron coming out. (Like how does it work, what should I get...?) I've been really excited about this game and seeing the full uncut version made for the xbox. And I wanted to play the darn thing. Not just the version on the Wii. Cause yeah, I've had a Wii for the last year.

So I've been searching online and trying to figure out what would be reasonable for me and my family budget. And I found a great deal so... I got one. For less that $200 and I rented both the Wii and Xbox versions. And it's nice.

It's actually really really nice. I'm gonna buy the xbox version, probably next month. I'll review them both once I get further into the games. But yeah. Hands down. Xbox WFC game, excellent, total win.

If you want to join me on xbox, shoot me an email. Or a PM on one of the forums I frequent. Not gonna put my gametag out there for anyone and everyone to add me. But yeah, I'd love to play with anyone of my TF fellow fans.

And on that note... I'm selling cards, so I can raise money for a possible trip to Auto Assembly either this year, next year, or both. It's not that I'm in the dog house with finances, at least not in a way that is scary in our economy right now. It's just I live in the USA and a airplane trip to the UK isn't cheap. I just can't justify spending that much money for myself, when I've got a family that won't be enjoying it too. The xbox everyone can play and enjoy and it's in my price range. So if you'd like to help send me to AA, feel free to buy a card. And I'll be continuing to sell cards afterwards to help fund my hobby, so you probably can get anything for anytime of the year. Some are Transformer themed and the rest are not. Cause yeah, there is so much I'd like to get, it'd be nice if I could provide a service that could fund what I'd like to get in the future.

Lastly, I got two books this last week. IDW Collection Volume 1 and Transformers Exodus. The Collection is awesome. Get it if you don't have a collection of trades already of the IDW Transformers comics. It's a beautiful collection. Can't wait for the next volume to come out this fall. Exodus, not bad, but not perfect. I'm halfway through the book and I'm reviewing it soon.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I HOST my first podcast!

So I had my first official hosting of a podcast last Tuesday on The Underbase. WOW! That was intense. It was fun to. But man... intense. It took us six hours!! YEAH... intense.

And it is so surreal. This time last year I was just getting back to my writing and I started getting into the fandom too. I had my first iPod Touch and I was rediscovering all the goodness that is Transformers. Now here we are a year later and I'm doing a podcast with Moonbase2. It's awesome and like I said, just surreal!

I try not to think about it too much. Cause if I do, I have moments of oh my gosh am I really doing this? Or am I completely insane and having the most awesome dream ever?

We had infamous guest Ender from who I've been listening to on the Moonbase2 podcast since October? Wow, I just can't believe that I'm lucky enough to be getting to know these awesome fans. And talking with them like long time friends would. It's an honor, don't get me wrong about that. But it is really is wow, intense and surreal. I can't describe it any better than that.

So I've updated all of my blast of podcasts... I'll have another to update in the next 24 hours because the next podcast gets recorded today. All my news will be used on the cast so... go listen.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

By the Grace of IDW

If you do the math you may start to see that my reviews are being posted a full 24 hours at least before the actual comics are coming out in the comic shops on the Moonbase2 Forum. There is a reason for this.

The Moonbase2 Forum creator Dave (aka KalelPrime) has been graciously given the opportunity by IDW (holder and publisher of the Transformer comic license) to download the comics five days in advance so he can have his forum reviewers read the comic and review it. This is a special permission given to only a handful of Transformer websites. It's a great honor and Dave is only giving the comics to his two reviewers, Me and another guy named Matt (aka KingGrimlock).

So I get the comic on my computer to review sometimes up to five days in advance but not always. I get a chance to read it, think about it, pick it apart, review it, talk about it with Dave and Matt (and sometimes some of the other reviewers I'm getting to know from the other Transformers websites, who also have this great opportunity), and then post my opinion. Sometimes this is really easy and sometimes it is dang hard. The hard part comes in when I actually have to do some research on characters, past comics, or just trying to figure out what isn't working for me and why.

I'm really thankful IDW has given Moonbase2 this chance to do this. The forum is growing and I am happy to see that. This is just another one of those honors. So thank you IDW, I really appreciate the opportunity I have to review these comic ahead of time. It really does mean a lot to myself and I know to the rest of the crew of Moonbase2...

That being said, my opinion isn't purchased or influenced by anyone. I'm an honest person and IDW has never expected me to lie about what I think of the comics. So yes, that can also mean if my opinion is low, I'm going to say it. If it means you don't buy it. It is what it is. Hopefully though, this means IDW will continue to send out the reviewing material. I still think it is worth their time to do it, even if the review is low. I still meet plenty of people despite what I say will still buy the comics. Fans are fans... we do want we do and sometimes there is no logic to it.

I am also becoming more and more active on the IDW Boards as well. You can find me there under the same nick, ladywreck. It's pretty neat. I actual get a chance sometimes to talk to the creative team behind the making of the comics. That's a real treat. And lets not forget the head editor Andy Schmidt. Pretty amazing.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Transformers Ongoing Mission 7 & 8

I've not posted a thing for about 3 weeks. Yeah, lots of things have been done and updated, I've just been terrible about updating. Well, last week I went on vacation. So I was officially out of state for a week. Leaving does make one shirk duties. I promise to be better about making it all appear where it needs to. As soon as I can...

Anyhow, it seems like tons happens while you don't expect it. New things with the Podcast I'm on. Which I will announce on Monday cause, I don't plan to steal other people's thunder.

So check back Monday, June 14th.

Today I received my copies of Transformers mini-series Ironhide issues 1 and 2 from my local vendor. I also purchased extra copies of Transformers mini-series "Last Stand of the Wreckers" cause you never can have enough Wreckers. Actually it's just nice to have a few extra copies hanging around cause you never know when they might come in handy?

Both mini-series are excellent. I highly recommend. They are the best of what Transformers comics has to offer as of today! The Ironhide written reviews are being done my by co-reviewer, which is why I haven't reviewed them officially. I'll link to those posts in my next blog post.

Transformers Ongoing #8... Or what I'm referring to as NOTgoing. It's an improvement from the last issue but again, we've gotten nowhere in particular story wise for an ongoing storyline. Where is it going? Who knows at this point. My official review of it is just below. We haven't done the podcast review 8 yet. Like I said vacation and work have delayed it. (My vacation, and the other reviewers work... It happens right? Hard to always get the whole review crew together at once.) It's the first thing we will review next week. But we have reviewed 7 and I have my written review of that one done too. Wow, the series is just 2 issues in and it isn't good? Which is also why I got Ironhide but no Ongoing Mission. Believe me as soon as it looks better I'll let my readers/listeners know. And then I'll encourage you to go buy it.

(the underbase was closed that week so the review was combined into the main podcast. The review starts at 1 hour in.)

Moonbase2 podcast: (to be recorded and posted)

Next week Transformers Nefarious #4 is released. I wasn't impressed with #3, so I'm not picking it up.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Total Blast of Podcast:

This is the list of all the podcasts that I've had the wonderful opportunity to be apart of. Enjoy! The review doesn't usually start until it is at least half way into the podcast. You can find the show notes at this link. (Swearing warning... some of these podcasts are explicit due to occasional swearing.)

Moonbase2 & Underbase:

12.13.10 Episode 135 (TF3 Trailer release discussion)
06.21.10 Episode 112
06.16.10 Review of Ongoing #8 (I host!)
06.13.10 Episode 111 (Ironhide #2 @ 1 hr in)
05.30.10 Episode 109 (Ongoing #7 @ 1 hr in)
04.28.10 The Underbase Episode 2 (Ongoing #6)
04.21.10 The Underbase Episode 1 (Wreckers #4 & Spotlight Prowl)
03.31.10 Episode 100 and a half (Ongoing #5)

Autobot City

Radio Free Cybertron (RFC)
Starting in July 2010 every week at

I'm a co-host guest!

Today I got in on another podcast review of Last Stand of the Wreckers #5 over at Autobot City Podcast. It's fun, go listen! (I'll provide the link when they post it.) I've been a guest reviewer there just a few times. I was recently asked to step in and review with Phil while Mikey, the co-host of the Comics Corner, takes a short break to finish up his university studies.

I guess it's official. I'm a podcaster. Regularly now. A new status. Ladywreck: podcasting guest. YAY! I will do gigs if asked. *GRIN* I'll be sticking with Moonbase2, don't worry... just hanging out on the Comics Corner at Autobot City Podcast too.

I never intended this when I volunteered to review comics on the Moonbase2 forum back in March. I just never thought I'd have the guts to do something like this. I've been listening to podcasts for the last year and I've even thought of putting together a writing one of my own, but I've not really had the motivation to do it. Besides the fact that I don't have any recording equipment. It almost seems easier when someone else is doing all the set up for it and you get to come on as a guest, letting someone else host. But at this point, who knows, maybe this time next year I'll start my own? (I can not fathom that right now but who knows what the future will bring.)

Who knew. I volunteered to review Transformer comics... I mean why not, I like to write and read stories? Especially about Transformers. I'm buying them anyhow why not write up a review and put it out there? OH... cool, I get to review for a forum... WOW!

Really? You want me on the podcast now? *knocking knees, sweaty palms* Uhhhh, okay... I'm up for trying something REALLY new. I need to learn to talk to people and express my opinion. Hopefully without sounding like a complete idiot. Are you SURE you want ME on the podcast? And that's the story folks on how I happened to pop onto podcasting.

I didn't beg and I wasn't coerced... I was just in the right place, at the right time. Curiosity mostly. And in regular me fashion, I'm always up for something I've never tried before. Yes, I'm scared as hell. But I usually don't let that keep me from trying out something that I may like in the end. (And I'm beginning to really like this.) It's sort of become a principle thing for me, if I'm scared of it, I have to try and face that because I'm determined to be a fearless person. (Something I learned in my early adult years...) Which prior to 2010 has taken a back seat as of late, but there's always room for ch-ch-changes.

Besides all of the regular benefits of learning to talk to people or expressing ideas while being recorded, that's priceless. I mean, if I want to really write books and publish them someday, I've got to be able to do some sort of PR thing so I can promote my work right? Better to start now and get the experience than to wait, find myself with the deer in the headlights look at the beginning of the career I most want, fall flat on my face, and not recover. I'll take this any day. Nothing says I still won't do that, but at least with experience I can learn early on that you will almost always fall down, but picking yourself back up is a requirement to the job. (Which I'm already learning as I posted a review two days before I was supposed to earlier this week, doh!)

Besides, the gentlemen I'm podcasting with are a great bunch of human beings. I'm honored to be rubbing shoulders with fans who know a heck of a lot more about Transformers than I do. And they are cool with a noob like me. (I hope it isn't just because I'm a woman. There are Transformer girls out there!)

Come on ladies... !

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Last Stand Of The Wreckers #5 Reviews:

Here is the link to the Review I wrote:

I have to say that I've never had so many people PM me about a comic before. Worried that their favorite characters where killed in this final issue. Just goes to show that the conflict and the threat of death was pretty high in this story line. Much to the credit of the great storytellers writing it. You guys rocked the worlds of all the readers. Good JOB!

Also I've noticed now that I've had about 48 hours of Wreckers... a depression is setting in among those of us who now realize that we won't be getting any more and that next month the #6 issue won't be arriving. I think we are going to need therapy. And IDW needs to pay the bill. But don't worry I'm sure we'll have a support group appear somewhere on the Moonbase2 or IDW forum boards in the near future.

Maybe Wreckers needs a warning label on it.

WARNING! Reading this comic will cause the following side effects:
Extreme happiness, aggressive tendencies, loud laughter, extreme compulsion to buy plastic toys, fear, obsession with said comic/toys/creators of the comics, acting out of the said scenes of the comic, possible costume obsession of characters of the comic, angst at the deaths of characters in the comic, rage, sadness, online obsession with forums, depression, moodiness, fits of crying when the word Wreckers is mentioned, mumbling during sleep or waking times, threatening for strange unexplained reasons, and many more undocumented side effects.
These effects can last for several weeks during the reading of said comics and upon completion can last for several weeks following. Please seek out medical attention if any of these side effects lasts for longer than is reasonably endurable. Online support groups are available.

Yes... this is a comic and it can cause problems in your life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wrecker Day!

It comes out tomorrow. Today is my Wrecker Day. I'll be recording a podcast and I've been looking at everything Wreckers for the last 12 hours. Heck I've been asleep for some of that time and I am sure I probably even dreamed of them too.

More to post later today but really quick because I want to get out the word to promote this awesome comic. Here is a moving graphic I made last night to use as a signature around online. I'm going to start using it myself tomorrow. I'm already using it on my favorite Moonbase2 stomping grounds. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I guess I should have seen this one coming when I decided to change my username to ladywreck!

Today I decided that I was going to create the rest of this online persona of me in the wide web world, so I could really make this "Wrecker" version of me have a place. I've not gone by too many usernames online over the years but this one really feels great to me. (Out of all the ones I've chosen over the years.)

Anyhow, guess I'll be putting my reviews and Transformer stuff I find featured here. Gonna be fun I think. I'm already liking everything I've done so far.

My old blog site:
I'm not going to use it again. It's just old and I don't like the features and options. I've also not updated it since December 2009. 2010 deserves something new. And so does this new nick I'm going by. Let the opinions fly?